BIC Graphic Italia > PRODOTTI >
BIC® Media Clic BGUARD™ Antimicrobial™ Eco.® bp Anti. Logo - 3460001E26
Now one of the best sellers in the promotional market in an antimicrobial version.. Our new BIC® Media Clic BGUARD™ Antimicrobial™ Ecolutions® ballpen acts against bacteria, viruses and fungi.. Made from 86% recycled plastic car parts and 100% recyclable.. 99.9% of bacteria is eliminated from the surface of the pen in 24 hours and more than 30% in 2 hours. Tested under antibacterial protocol ISO 22196 adapted to real usage of the pen.. 93% of viruses, Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus causing Covid-19 disease, are eliminated from the surface in 24 hours and around 50% in 2 hours. Tested under antiviral protocol ISO 21702 adapted to real usage of the pen.. Fungi present on the surface is inhibited within 24 hours. Tested under ISO 22196 protocol adapted to fungi and to real usage of the pen.. Full product protection for the entire product life.

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BIC® Media Clic BGUARD™ Antimicrobial™ Eco.® bp Anti. Logo
Now one of the best sellers in the promotional market in an antimicrobial version.. Our new BIC® Media Clic BGUARD™ Antimicrobial™ Ecolutions® ballpen acts against bacteria, viruses and fungi.. Made from 86% recycled plastic car parts and 100% recyclable.. 99.9% of bacteria is eliminated from the surface of the pen in 24 hours and more than 30% in 2 hours. Tested under antibacterial protocol ISO 22196 adapted to real usage of the pen.. 93% of viruses, Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus causing Covid-19 disease, are eliminated from the surface in 24 hours and around 50% in 2 hours. Tested under antiviral protocol ISO 21702 adapted to real usage of the pen.. Fungi present on the surface is inhibited within 24 hours. Tested under ISO 22196 protocol adapted to fungi and to real usage of the pen.. Full product protection for the entire product life.
Benefici del prodotto
Realizzato con materiale riciclato all'86% e 100% riciclabili.
Il marchio BIC® è riconosciuto da 9 persone su 10: associa il tuo nome a un prodotto di alta qualità.
Mescola e abbina i componenti del colore per creare combinazioni diverse.
Produzione interna.
Clip infrangibile progettata per resistere a 6,8 kg di forza senza rompere: impatto del marchio di lunga durata!
Meccanismo di azione dello stantuffo affidabile: puoi fare clic sul tuo BIC® più di 10.000 volte!
La palla in carburo di tungsteno perfettamente sferiche contribuisce a una scrittura costante.
Inchiostro di lunga durata: alta qualità, asciugatura rapida e scrittura liscia.
Codice doganale
Paese d'origine
1.3 cm
14.7 cm
8.2 g
Imballaggio standard
40 × 16.5 × 15.8 cm | 0.010428 m³ | 500 u. | 4.10 kg
Imballaggio interno
Plunger Action
Larghezza riga
0.4 mm