BIC® Media Clic BIO Based BGUARD™ Antibacterial Ballpen

Now one of the best sellers in the promotional market mixes his BIO and antibacterial protection version. BIODEGRADABLE PEN: The barrel is 100% biodegradable while the clip is 100% recyclable. BIO BASED MATERIAL: The barrel is made with 70% BIO based material. The colourants are 100% BIO based. . ANTIBACTERIAL PROTECTION: Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria on the barrel, its most exposed area, and avoids their growth in the rest of visible parts of the pen. Entire pen protection, for the entire life of the pen, tested under antibacterial protocol ISO 22196.

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  • Fabbricato in Spagna

  • Elettricità al 100% da fonti rinnovabili

    Il BIC Graphic Europe Factory si nutre di energia da fonti rinnovabili al 100% e pertanto i nostri prodotti sono realizzati con elettricità rinnovabile al 100%.

  • Basso impatto ambientale

    I prodotti sono realizzati e stampati in fabbriche Europee dove il 100% dell'elettricità utilizzata proviene da fonti rinnovabili.

  • Riciclabile

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  • Protezione batterica

  • Protezione della superficie della penna a sfera

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  • Penna a sfera

    M Medium-F Fine

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BIC® Media Clic BIO Based BGUARD™ Antibacterial Ballpen


Now one of the best sellers in the promotional market mixes his BIO and antibacterial protection version. BIODEGRADABLE PEN: The barrel is 100% biodegradable while the clip is 100% recyclable. BIO BASED MATERIAL: The barrel is made with 70% BIO based material. The colourants are 100% BIO based. . ANTIBACTERIAL PROTECTION: Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria on the barrel, its most exposed area, and avoids their growth in the rest of visible parts of the pen. Entire pen protection, for the entire life of the pen, tested under antibacterial protocol ISO 22196.

Benefici del prodotto

BIC® brand is recognised by 9 out of 10 people: associate your name with a high-quality trusted product.
Eliminates 99.9% of bacteria on the barrel, its most exposed area
The barrel is 100% biodegradable while the clip is 100% recyclable
Full in-house manufacturing.
Unbreakable clip designed to withstand 6,8 kg of force without breaking: long-lasting brand impact!
Reliable plunger action mechanism: you can click your BIC® more than 10,000 times!
The perfectly spherical tungsten carbide ball contributes to consistent writing.
Long-life ink: high quality, quick drying and smooth writing.

Codice doganale


Paese d'origine






1.3 cm


14.7 cm


0.9 cm


0.9 cm


8.2 g


Imballaggio standard

40 × 16.5 × 15.8 cm | 0.010428 m³ | 500 u. | 4.10 kg

Imballaggio interno




Plunger Action

  • BIC Ecolutions Certificate- MC BIO BASED BGUARD_ENGLISH.pdf Scarica
  • BIC Ecolutions Certificate- MC BIO BGUARD _GERMAN.pdf Scarica
  • BIC Ecolutions Certificate- MC BIO BGUARD SPANISH.pdf Scarica
  • BIC Ecolutions Certificate- MC BIO BGUARD_FRENCH.pdf Scarica