This website and its content which is reproduced through the domain www.bicgraphic.com owned by BIC GRAPHIC EUROPE, S.A, - hereinafter, BGE – offers you the conditions governing the use and browsing of the same.
Similarly, the prohibitions and liabilities derived from the undue use of the reproduced content, such as texts, graphs, drawings, designs, photographs, software, codes, videos, music, databases, images, information as well as any other creation susceptible to protection.
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce -LSSICE- and article 4.4 of Law 56/2007, of 28 December, on Measures to Promote the Information Society -LMISI-, the service provider of the domain www.bicgraphic.com is:
BIC Graphic Europe S.A.
Pol. Ind. Entrevias s/n
43006 Tarragona
Tel: +34 977 55 60 44
Fax: +34 977 55 15 54
NIF: A08213712
VAT: ESA08213712
BGE is duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of Tarragona in volume 1270, page 198, sheet T-14.278./p>
Web hosting:
Camino hormigueras, 172
28031 Madrid
Visitor: Individual browsing the website without registering.
Distributor: Company or professional, mainly distributor of the promotional products market that have been assessed as such by BGE, having been assigned access credentials associated with the distributor’s number.
The Web Page: The web page with URL www.bicgraphic.com, property of BGE.
Information of interest
Subject of the Web Page
This is a commercial B2B website. Contains and publishes products, materials, services and content related to the main activities of BGE.
Intellectual property
The intellectual and industrial property rights include all rights granted by the law and regulations with regards to intellectual and industrial property which may recognize the economic performance of these rights, as well as other rights accepted by the law; that is, the registration of properties in order to obtain the corresponding legal protection.
All content included in this web page, be it texts, photographs or images, files, commercial brands, commercial names or company names, logotypes, accidental or non-accidental colour combinations, designs; the selection, content and presentation of the content and information offered in said web page; the software necessary to access, browse, maintain and manage the web page; as well as any other element that may be protected by regulations in terms of intellectual and industrial property, are property of BGE or of its respective owners or licensees.
Therefore, the reproduction (except for private use), transformation, distribution, public notification or any other type of execution of the described rights, of all or part of the content of this web page, as well as of the design, alteration or modification of the materials without the adequate express authorization shall be strictly prohibited. The visitor or distributor shall be obligated to use this web page with scrupulous respect for the intellectual and industrial property rights.
In no case shall it be understood that the permitting of access to distributors and/or visitors of the web page implies the renouncing, transfer, licencing or transmission, in full or in part, of said rights. The suppression, avoidance or manipulation of any identifying data of the rights corresponding to the titleholders and those included in the content shall be expressly prohibited. Similarly, the modification, copying, reuse, exploitation, reproduction, public communication, creation of secondary or subsequent publications, loading of files, sending via email, transmitting, usage, treatment or distribution in any way, of all or part of the content included in the web page, regardless of the support and/or device by which said access to the public or commercial proposals may be made, is strictly prohibited, without the express authorization in writing by BGE.
BGE reserves the right to prevent the use of or the domains owned by BGE and/or those derived from the same, which, given their similarity, may lead to error or confusion concerning the signs, names or business origin of BGE. Similarly, BGE has a specific section “OUR BRANDS” where it is possible to receive more information on the brands owned by BGE.
Exemption from liability
BGE, through this web page and/or the social media through which it has the right to use, is not liable for the following actions:
- Any misuse that may take place in the available resources, especially with regards to the web page and social media and the content reproduced in the same.
- An absence of viruses and/or other damaging components in the media reproducing the content or in the server supplying the same, both for the visualization of the content by distributors as well as in the downloading of the same.
- The content and services provided by third parties.
- The invulnerability of this web page and the media or services, or of the software used, distributed or obtained from the same.
- The increased or decreased performance of the stored content.
- Damage or harm that may be caused by any individual, either to themselves or to third parties, infringing upon the established conditions, rules and instructions, mainly those resulting from opinions, comments and actions tending to discredit and/or breach the constitutional rights.
- Damage occurring due to the breach of security systems, established by BGE.
- The malfunctioning of software or plugins -downloading that may take place from the link established for this purpose - necessary fro the visualization and listening of certain stored content.
- Any action that may be made concerning the breach of third party rights, especially regarding the image, intellectual or industrial property. -
The disassembly, decompiling, reverse engineering, sub-authorization or any sort of transfer, translation, creation of works based on the software or content or the development of any activity protected by regulations on intellectual or industrial protection is strictly prohibited. The visitor or distributor should always respect the protection devices and security systems installed in this web page.
Data protection
BGE ensures full compliance with privacy in accordance with the European Regulation on Data Protection and with applicable Spanish law regulating said regulation. Thus, BGE is diligent with respect to the principles of quality, transparency, legality, storage, minimization and security of the personal data treatment. We invite you to visit our Privacy in order to learn more.
You are informed that the personal data reproduced or available is not considered a public source and therefore, the authorization, legal or individual, of the collection, storage or treatment of the same is not authorized. Likewise, the preceding shall also be applicable to the social media that BGE has available for said purpose, although in these cases, BGE shall treat the personal data in accordance with the relevant regulations, recommending that privacy settings be configured so that the publication and distribution of your personal data is executed and used by said platforms based on their own conditions.
These conditions shall be valid for as long as they are presented. BGE recommends that, every time you access the content and/or services that are contained and reproduced, you carefully read the same. BGE reserves the right to the unilateral modification of these conditions at any time, in full or in part. The modification shall take effect as of its publication in this permanent link. Likewise, BGE may opt to unilaterally interrupt, suspend or terminate access to the content, regardless of the conditions that govern the provision of the available services and/or content. Said situations shall not affect the validity of the prohibitions of use of the content included in this clause.
In the case in which any provision/s included in these conditions are considered null or inapplicable, in full or in part, by any competent court, tribunal or administrative organism, said nullity or inapplicability shall not affect the other applicable conditions based on the available services and/or contents. The exercising (or not) by BGE, of any right or provision included in these conditions does not constitute the renouncing of the same, except with your written recognition and agreement.
All conditions shall be governed by Spanish law. All conflicts, controversies or situations resulting from these conditions and/or the specific applicable conditions of each service shall be subject to the Courts and Tribunals of Tarragona, with the parties expressly renouncing any other jurisdictions.
Our legal texts
We invite you to visit our policies and agreements:
You may obtain more information based on your use of this web page.
© 2025 BIC Graphic Europe, S.A. – Todos los derechos reservados